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VBS 2019

God's Great Rescue Mission

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Register Now !! 

Fill out the attached form and drop off at the church.

Or go to the contact button and send your info in that way.

Or simply call the Church !!   780-332-2456

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Contact Us


Pastor Marvin Dueck

5414-50th Ave

Grimshaw Alberta


Service: Sunday at 10:30 am


T: 780-332-2459




Want to make a Donation?  E-transfer to Grimshaw Pentecostal Church at the above email address.


What to Expect

We start at 10:30 am on Sunday.

There is about a half hour of singing to start, then kids are dismissed to their program, and the adults listen to a talk by the Pastor.  Everything is finished by 12:00 pm.


Come check it out - we'd love to have you join us!



In this busy - media bombarded life, we can be surrounded with people, have hundreds of followers on social media and still feel alone.  


There is One who can meet you there in that loneliness.


Long to know more of God?

Come visit us today.

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